Eric got to fly home for a short weekend to celebrate his mom's birthday and attend a Notre Dame football game. He loves the fact that he can return to Notre Dame stadium and usher on the field any time he wants to. We also celebrated Thanksgiving with the extended family we have here in Arizona. That weekend we also went to Los Angeles, California to visit Disneyland and California Adventure for the first time. We also attended the Notre Dame vs USC football game and met up with our friends who we went to school with and are also originally from Indiana but moved to Cali. We had a great time with them and it was great to see an Irish win!
I got to go home to Indiana to see my family the first week in December. It was a great time with my sisters, bothers, parents, my nephew, and friends. There was lots of laughter, pictures, and special time with my adorable nephew, Zephaniah. Christmas time was different this year. It was the first year I have not been to the lake in Michigan for Christmas Eve with all my mom's side the family, a tradition that has occurred since my mom was a little girl in the house she grew up in. We were able to Skype in, (Thank God for Skype!) but of course not quite the same seeing both of our families. We did spend time with family and friends here which was fun to celebrate in a different way. At the end of December, I had surgery on my hip to repair two areas of torn cartilage and a bone spur around my hip socket. It was outpatient surgery and everything went well. My mom even came down for a week to help out while I was on crutches.

January I spent two days a week in physical therapy. Eric's grandma Trudy and Aunt Terrie came to visit for a few days. We were blessed to go up to Sedona for a day too and experience some of God's country.
For Valentines Day Eric surprised me with an all day trip about an hour and a half north of Phoenix, complete with a stop at a winery for a wine tasting, a 4 hour train ride (first class) through the Verde canyon, and a dinner in the mountain town of Jerome. It was so romantic and fun, he did a great job!
Now here we are in March and I'm done with physical therapy and looking forward to a busy month! My mom, sister Katelyn, and her boyfriend Tim were just here for a full week. We had plenty of laying out time, hiked Camelback mountain, and went to lots of baseball games! This weekend I'm taking Eric to California to hit up Disneyland again for his birthday (he's like a kid in a candy store when he's there!). Next week our friends Ronnie, Becca, their 6 month old daughter Emery, and Eric's buddy Matt Farrell will be here for a few days too! Eric's so excited for some guy time and I can't wait to see my Bestie!!

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