Monday, April 9, 2012

Things NOT to Say or Do to a Pregnant Woman

 I'm now 21 weeks pregnant and blessed beyond belief. However, some of the lovely things that come along with pregnancy... well, let's face it... aren't so lovely. Of course there's the physical and emotional changes (that's a whole nother blog!), but the way some people act around you change. Please understand, if you are my family or close friends, this does not apply to you. I feel if you know me well enough, you know what you shouldn't say or do, or what you know I will be comfortable with.

That being said... here are some of the things that have been said to me recently:
  • "Look at how big you're getting!!!" (Shouted excitedly by a co-worker for ALL the workplace to hear.)
           Yes, thank you. I am fully aware that I continue to get larger everyday. But now that you've pointed it out to everyone around us so they can stare down the aisle at me, I feel much better that they know how big I'm getting too. (Please sense the sarcasm.)

  • "Wow! You're really starting to sprout out there!" (Another co-worker)
My response was, "Well that's what happens." I didn't want to continue the conversation from there.

  • "Wow, you're as big as a house! HAHA." (A guy at church as he greeted me Easter Sunday morning.)
Really.... Clearly, I'm aware that you are kidding. I'm not that sensitive. However, thank you for letting me know that your equation to my pregnant belly is a house. Fantastic.

Here are some of the actions of people I have noticed that I don't think I'm too fond of:
  • My eyes are up here.
Yes... now I know what larger breasted women feel like when men stare at their assests and not their eyes. However, the stares aren't directly to my bosom... but to my belly. I walk around the office or in a store and although I love my growing baby bump, when you are speaking to me or passing me, please acknowledge my face and not the ever growing tummy. Yes I know, it kind of sticks out there, hard to miss. But it does not talk... yet. However, my mouth does.

  • Rubbing of the Belly
Like I said previsouly, if you are my family member or a close friend, you are usually more than welcome to touch or rub my belly since its more than likely your future grandson, nephew, cousin, etc. My close friends should also know me well enough to know what I am comfortable and not comfortable with. I never thought I'd be uncomfortable with other people touching my pregnant belly, until I became pregnant and people started reaching their hands to invade my personal space. Yes, this is my personal space. Just because you know there's a living baby in there doesn't mean you need to touch the outer part of where I am harboring it. How would you like it if I started rubbing your belly? Invasion of your personal space??? I would think so. Please take the gentle hint when I purposely back away or turn my body away from your reaching hands. Ask before touching. Thank you.

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