Tuesday, June 22, 2010

God is so good

This is a song that's been replaying through my mind today. I'm sure it's something we all sang in sunday school, but it's just a reminder of how good our God is. God is so good, God is so good, God is so good. He's so good to me. God has been so good to Eric and I during this transition time of moving across the country and starting a new life here. We feel comfortable here, we feel God's Holy Spirit bringing peace and reassurance to us about the move, and now God has showered His blessing on us by way of a job for me. I interviewed 2 Fridays ago at Grand Canyon University, a christian university, here in Phoenix. The position was to be the faculty scheduler for the online college of health sciences. I have applied for about 12-15 different jobs since the beginning of May when we knew for sure that we were moving and this was the only interview I was called in for. I can view that in a positive or negative light, but I felt filled with God's peace about this one interview. I went back in this past Monday (yesterday) and interviewed with the director of the department who offered me the job within the first 5-10 minutes of the interview. What a blessing! This offer was great, such a huge financial burden is now lifted and I am filled with joy and praise for the Lord! I start July 6th at GCU and can't wait!
I've been off work from May 21st till now and although there was a move across the country in there, I'm ready to go back to work. I'm ready to relieve some of the burden off my husband and to feel like I am providing too. My days have been full of... well.. not much. Laying out by the pool, swimming, hiking, cleaning the apartment, watching movies, watching the World Cup on the spanish channel, walking to get the mail about 3pm everyday, and cooking dinner. So, yeah after about 4 weeks of that.. I'm ready to go back to work! Sometimes it's too hot to be outside so that's when movies come in handy :) It's gonna hit about 110 this week so I might take advantage of the pool. I've been asking Eric to go to IKEA in Tempe since we moved here, but we were really trying to wait till I had a job to do any shopping or eating out. Soooo... now that I have a job, he's agreed to do a little shopping at IKEA this weekend! I've never been there before, but everyone says I'll love it, so I can't wait!
That's the exciting things that have been happening in our lives here in Arizona. Only two more weeks till Eric's parents come to visit!! It'll be fun to entertain a little bit and do a little site seeing with them before I start the new job. Until then I just keep remembering, God is so good.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on getting the job!! It's amazing to see how God always provides! Glad to hear you are adjusting to life in AZ. Appreciate the heat, I think it rains just about every couple of days here. :)
