Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Rounding 2nd and Going Into 3rd

We've now been here a little over 2 weeks and entering our third here in Peoria. If I have not mentioned this to anyone yet, I love living here! And it's been a comfortable transition, thanks to our God's comfort and peace. We are completely assured that this step of faith was what God had been calling us to. It's been a rough couple of months in our lives with the miscarriage but God is showing us that He has a purpose for us here in Arizona and is teaching us about our marriage first and foremost. To be quick to listen and slow to speak, to be supportive and understanding and to be each other's servant. God has also been teaching us patience throughout the time that we've been here between needing our house in South Bend to sell and waiting for me to get a job. So if you know anyone looking for a house in the South Bend area let us know! The job environment out here is a lot like Elkhart, slow. I've applied to several local colleges, universities, and business, I've only had one interview, which we're hoping to hear more from this week.
Back to the transition...I thought it would really difficult learning the new roads, new location, and the weather, but so far so good! I do miss friends and family, but not tremendously yet because Eric and I are definitely enjoying our freedom as "just us" here. No offense anyone, please don't take it personally, but we've talked about how this is a get-away we needed, that fresh start to our lives to create our own adventures. We are looking forward to family coming to visit soon so that we can show them the life we've started here. It's hard for me to miss baby showers for my pregnant sister and friend back at home and August weddings for my cousins. And we all know Eric is going to miss Notre Dame come this fall! We try to keep ourselves active here enjoying hiking on the weekends and in the morning when Eric's doesn't go to work till 10am. And yes I've had my anxiety issues about the possibilities of seeing snakes on the trails. We went to a Diamondbacks/Cardinals game last Friday which was fun. We also enjoyed discovering Lake Pleasant about 30 minutes north of our apartment on Sunday after church. It's a huge lake with rocky, hilly shores, set in the middle of mountains and trails. It was gorgeous. We've also gone for walks about our complex and I try to exercise while Eric is at work, even if that means swimming and laying out by the pool a couple days a week.
This week we're looking forward to a birthday party for our little 2nd cousin Kyle and also attending the Rattlers (arena football league) with some family. Eric is involved in a softball league with our extended family out here to and is having fun as that season starts. Continue to pray that our house sells in Indiana and very soon and also that I will be able to find a job very soon. We're praising God for each other and for the promises He has for our future.


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