Sunday, April 17, 2011

Weekend Recap

This week has been a good one, busy at work, but it's gotten better and here's why! As I've discussed before, I have discovered a fantastic blog The Shine Project and but every Monday there is a SHINE challenge to complete. This past week followers were encouraged to take on a challenge they had not yet done. Well last weekend I completed the Spring Cleaning challenge and through this past week I took on the "Cheer for your Enemies" challenge. Let me tell you.. with a new manager at work, this was not easy decision to make this my challenge, but new it had to be done. I had been super stressed and feeling completely mirco-managed since this person took over but this week... I tried to focus on being positive towards this person all week. I tried to work together as a team to get things accomplished; and instead of getting frustrated when things got stressful, I talked it out and thanked him for his help. Hopefully, I made a small difference in our working relationship and things will be better this week!

This has been a relaxing, hot weekend here in the valley of the sun... for you midwesterners: a.k.a.: Phoenix and its suburbs. And by hot, I mean, in the 90s...yeah yeah yeah it's a "dry heat", since we rarely have humidity here, but it's still hot.  Saturday we found a few new places I love and also got some good deals! I spent most of the day on typical housework and worked on editing and printing out pictures I took about a year or more ago all the way until about last fall. That will give me a good start for scrapbooking. Also found this fabulous new yogurt place, WALKING distance from our apartment! Frozen yogurt is a big thing out here in the west, because most yogurt places have no added sugars and are low in fat! Gotta love that!

We were looking for a large raft/float toy for our weekends at Lake Pleasant. We looked at a few larger stores in the area before finding this over 50% off at a small pool supply store! It was originally $59.99 and we got it for $20! My husband was excited about this one!

Needless to say, we took it to the lake on Sunday afternoon!

It being Holy Week, this morning our church Salt & Light Community Church, had a service on the different views of Christ's crucifixion; from a Jew's and Roman's perspective on that day, and the view of a Christian in present day. It was hard to be reminded of the actual excruciating physical ailments that Jesus experienced, so He could bear the sin of the world and save us from eternal suffering. And yet it was much needed, the whole time I kept thinking: "He did this for me..Jesus went through this horrific death because He wanted to save me!" That's how much Christ loves us... He DIED for every single person that ever lived and ever will live, to save us from our sinful nature and offer us eternal life! That is what Easter is about.. not the bunnies or the candy or Easter egg hunts. It's about Jesus, who came down from heaven to this Earth to live as a sinless man. Who died on a cross to save the world He loved, but rising again, LIVING and LOVING every man, woman, and child He came to save. And calling us to love Him and live for Him!

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